Auto ElectricalCar Batteries

Car Batteries are a common source of issues with a car.

We are an authorised Century Car Battery stockist and have battery trained technicians to help in deciding which car battery is right for your vehicle.

We also have the latest digital car battery tester which tests and prints out how much life is left in the battery.

You will find Auto Super Shoppe Te Awamutu's mechanical services particularly convenient if you live or work around the following areas:

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Car Battery - Warning signs.

Car batteries warning signs to look out for. "If I only knew sooner."
Yep, we've all been there before. Fortunately, there are a few symptoms that may indicate your battery needs attention. Before it's too late.

  • Slow engine crank When you attempt to start the vehicle, the cranking of the engine is sluggish and takes longer than normal to start.
  • Check engine light The check engine light sometimes appears when your battery power is weak.
  • Low battery fluid level Car batteries typically have a part of the casing that's translucent so you can always keep an eye on your battery's fluid level. If the fluid level is below the lead plates : (energy conductor:) inside, it's time to have the battery and charging system tested.
  • The swelling, bloating battery case If your battery casing looks like this you can blame excessive heat for causing your battery case to swell, decreasing your battery life.
  • Battery leak Leaking also causes the corrosion around the posts – that’s where the positive (+) and negative (–) cable connections are located. The gunk may need to be removed; otherwise, your car may not start.
  • Old age Your battery can last well beyond three years but, at the very least, have its current condition inspected on a yearly basis when it reaches the three year mark.

Help your battery life with the little things.

Imagine waking up to a dead car battery. It isn't fun. At all. But because batteries can do stuff when we're not looking, we need to help them go the distance. That means turning off all interior and exterior lights when exiting your ride. It's important to unplug power adapters, too. Naturally, we're also here to keep watch. Our Early Detection Analyzer determines how much life is left in your battery. If something is awry, our technicians are pros at delivering a fix.

  • Stop in for a complete electrical check.
  • Read up on our current battery deals and specials.
  • Let us test your car battery life.
  • Find the right battery for your exact vehicle — at the right price.

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